Jewish Community of Rhodes

Museum is now closed

19.3 C
Thursday 9 May 2024

Museum is now closed

Celebrate with us

Celebrate your Bar / Bat Mitzvah with us

A Bar or Bat Mitzvah is the transition from childhood to adulthood. It is an important milestone in the life of every Jewish child and helps to reinforce the importance of retaining ones identity.

We would be honored if you chose to celebrate this joyous event with us.

Either you want to have a small or big celebration, the Kahal Shalom Synagogue is the ideal venue for your event. There is a sitting area of 150 people and a balcony that can accommodate up to 30 people. The spacious yard can accommodate your reception up to 50 seated quests or more for a standing buffet.

As there is not a permanent Rabbi in Rhodes, we can arrange for a Rabbi or a Kantor to fly from Athens to officiate the service. You may also make your own arrangements.

In addition we can bring you in contact with suppliers and associates, regarding flower decoration, photography, venue options, menus etc.

Starting from 2018 we offer a new Bar/Bat Mitzvah program. With Rabbi Barbara Aiello as our visiting Rabbi, your family can host a modern Bar or Bat Mitzvah program. For details:

We are at your disposal to provide you any help and information you need in order to make your “simcha” memorable.

For more information please contact us at [email protected]